Mynydd Parys Mountain

Porth Amlwch Port

Gyda darganfod Copr ym Mynydd Parys roedd angen ehangu porthladd Amlwch er mwyn caniatáu i’r mwyn gael ei allforio gan long hwylio i’w brosesu ymhellach.  Roedd gweithdai i atgyweirio a thrin llongau, a hefyd bu datblygu iardiau pwrpasol i adeiladu llongau..

With the discovery of copper at Parys mountain is was necessary for Amlwch port to be widened to allow the ore to be exported by sailing ship for further processing. Ship repair and eventually building yards were built to maintain the ships

Porth Amlwch

Roedd y porthladd yn le prysur gyda llongau’n mynd a dod o bob cwr o’r byd. Yn ogystal ag allforio copr, daeth glo, tybaco a cwrw i mewn i’r porthladd.

Heddiw mae’n llawer tawelach. Mae cychod pysgota a chychod siarter yn dal i fynd ag ymwelwyr allan ar deithiau.

Mae canolfannau gwybodaeth yn adrodd hanes y diwydiant copr a daeareg Ynys Môn. Mae caffi hefyd lle gallwch eistedd a gwylio’r byd yn mynd heibio.

The port was a bustling place with ships coming and going from all over the world. As well as exporting copper, coal, tobacco and beers came into the port.

Today it is much quieter. There are still working fishing boats and charter boats taking visitors out on trips.

There are exhibition centres telling the story of the copper industry and the geology of Anglesey. There is also a café in which you can just sit and watch the world go by.

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