Mynydd Parys Mountain

Porth Amlwch Port

Gyda darganfod Copr ym Mynydd Parys roedd angen ehangu porthladd Amlwch er mwyn caniatáu i’r mwyn gael ei allforio gan long hwylio i’w brosesu ymhellach.  Roedd gweithdai i atgyweirio a thrin llongau, a hefyd bu datblygu iardiau pwrpasol i adeiladu llongau.. With the discovery of copper at Parys mountain is was necessary for Amlwch port…

Dinorben arms

The Dinorben arms hotel has been part of the Heart & History of Amlwch for almost 250 years The town of Amlwch developed from a small coastal fishing village with just a few houses following the discovery of copper at the nearby Parys Mountain in 1786. The historic core of the town centres around what…

Amlwch Port

The discovery of Copper on the mountain required a means of exporting the copper. It also required the import of raw materials all of which took place via Amlwch port. Over the years the small creek at Amlwch was developed both to assist the copper works but later in its own right as a centre…

Copper Mining

There is evidence of copper mining have taken place at Parys Mountain for over 4000 years. There is some evidence that the area was mined by the Romans and even more evidence that bronze age peoples used stone tools to mine copper from the mountain. The history of mining in more recent times started with…


In January 2018 Miriam Sanders, a local fundraiser for the Royal British Legion, had the idea of draping St Eleth Church in poppies to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1. What started with a few locals meeting in the church to knit and crochet poppies soon escalated via social media and the local…

Cadi Rondal

On Wednesday, February 20th, 1828: James Webster, the proprietor of the Parys Mountain sulphuric acid works, stands in the window of his home, Fudrol, observing the huge funeral procession as it makes its way to St. Eleth’s Church; he is full of memories. It is the funeral of Cadi Rondol, or Catherine Randal as recorded…

Andy Whitfield

The Whitfield family came to live in Bull Bay in 1976 and Andy attended Amlwch Primary School and then Syr Thomas Jones until the age of 18;   he moved to Sheffield to attend University for 4 years where he attained a degree in Civil Engineering. In 1999 he and Vashti moved to Sydney to follow…